Friday 27 November 2015

Weather Station back online

 We can have weather again!

At the start of this term an electrical surge caused the computer running the weather station to die. The replacement computer, being a newer model did not have a socket to plug the old serial cable into: we needed to upgrade to the newer USB interface with the station. A huge thank you to Mark at Geopacks/Mapmarketing for his support. The screen in my classroom is once again showing up to the second accurate weather data.

So, how can you see the weather data outside of the Geography Room ... apart from the little widget on the left of this blog?

Our Personal Weather Station ID is iwestsus39.

There are several ways to link to our station: here are four.

1: Weather Underground website

Click here

This will allow you to see the weather data in any browser. Our station pumps out data every second to the Wunderground site. It stores our data too, so you can check weekly, monthly and yearly averages and totals. There are quite a lot of ads, but that is how they make their money to develop the site further.

2. The Wunderground App

This is the Apple Store link: Click here
This is the Google Play link: Click here
Just type in our Station ID (IWESTSUS39) as the location.

This includes some Weather Underground forecasting tools in addition to our data ... and a lot of ads!

3: PWS Monitor

This is a simple app that just shows you the live data feed from our station: type in the station id (IWESTSUS39) and it will do the rest.

This is the am IOS app: Click here
For Android, there are widgets and apps so just search for PWS Monitor in Google Play

The rolling day graphs are good.

4. WunderMap

 This plots our weather station on a Google Map base, with radar rainfall data too.

IOS link from Apple Store: click here
Weather Underground include it in the Wunderground App: click here

Brambletye Weather Data
The WunderMap

In the words of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation: "Share and Enjoy!"