Saturday 5 October 2013

The Geography of Curry

Tonight I am giong to wow the Brambletye parents and pupils with a talk on the Geography of Curry. Well, maybe not exactly wow them, but at least give them some food for thought.

The talk is giong to be in three main sections:

1. Defining terms: What is Geography? What is Curry?
Just like in a good discursive essay, I will define the key words in the title. The principal reason for me giving this talk is to share my views of 'good geography' with the parent body and as such I will be explaining what geography is from first principles.

2. Where does curry come from?
I will look at the global pattern of curry consumption and the distribution of ingredients and aim to explain the reasons for this pattern.

3. Investigation into the spatial distribution of Indian Restaurants in the East Grinstead area
This looks to see whether or not there is a spatial pattern of curry houses within a 10 mile radius of East Grinstead. Also, I will apply the OB Index to see if there is a pattern in the cost of the meals provided.